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Old 03-12-2009, 06:33 PM
edgar93 edgar93 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Toronto
Posts: 1,236
edgar93 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Roman View Post
I hope you all and Alizée are still around when I come back.
That sounds like if you were going to be away for a long time . Please don't Roman.
Last two weeks I have not been posting so much, neither I have been around so many hours in a day as I used to do. It's not that I'm not interested as I was before, but I really need to take a hmm, not a break, because I'm not leaving, I just need to take things easier. Family, school, soccer, I even have some time for playing video games or do my hobbies I used to do.
Last week I was away for 2 days, and I mean, I did not touch the computer for 2 days . I never did that before! Maybe some time before I did not post for 2 days, but I did check the forums. This time I badly missed the beginning of all this fuss about the concert, and I really felt kind of lost when I turned on the computer and noticed all this !
For those who care, don't worry if you don't see me around as I use to, I just need some time for myself .