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Old 05-18-2011, 05:02 PM
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HelixSix HelixSix is offline
Corrupt mods? No way!
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Denver
Age: 40
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Default So we can't say the D word.

So we can't say the short version of Richard on this forum. Or at least I'm not allowed to. Seriously, I just got an infraction for saying d##k.

When other people are dropping f bombs along with S and B words I find it incredibly ridiculous that I get wrote up for that. As far as I can see nobody else is even getting warned for far worse language. And when I brought the issue up a week or so ago the mods never came close to giving a clear answer.

Additionally, mature posts of mine were removed along with somebody else's who was being rude and biased towards me. Other people are allowed to tarnish their image while attacking me but the mods delete everything. No foul if it never happened...unless I happen to be in the conversation.

What I see is corruption nearing the highest levels I've ever seen on a forum. I bring an issue up a few weeks ago and get the vaguest of feedback and at least one of the mods holds a personal vendetta against me...and if that isn't the case I'd like to know what it is.

Keep in mind my infraction was for saying the D word (I can't believe I have to refer to it like that). Until proven otherwise some mods here are corrupt. Scruffy's infraction for me was reversed because he was acting out of anger so we know of one already. You guys should hurry and place some bets as to whether this thread will be deleted or I will be banned because the way things are going I'll be kicked for saying the word mod. I can't believe the discrimination.
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