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Old 07-30-2006, 05:25 PM
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aFrenchie aFrenchie is offline
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Originally Posted by brad
if you didn't say that you are not a native english speaker, I never would have suspected you weren't ..
I must say that I already have some "mail-pals" in the USA to practice my English. One of them told me my grammar was better that Bush's grammar! (tell me that was a joke!)

one thing that I has been killing me to find out, what is alizee saying at the very beginning of this video?
No problem (I'll let you move the quotes below to the right thread)
Even with my headphones, I'm not sure of the very first line. My guess:
[Alizée] "Énorme. Very énorme" (very? : that would be "Frenglish"?)
[Voice] "Mais on se voit partout en fait. On se retrouve partout dans le monde!"
[Alizée] "Qu'est-ce que tu fais là ?"
[Voice] (...)

[Alizée] "Great. Very great" (again, I'm not sure)
[Voice] "Wow we see each other everywhere! We meet everywhere in the world!"
[Alizée] "What are you doing here?"
[Voice] (she's about to answer but Alizée shuts the window on her face!)

and what does the person holding the camera say to alizee at the end??
[Voice] Alors, vos impressions?

[Voice] So, your impressions?
[My guess about Alizée laughing] she tries to find something funny to answer but no idea shows up, so she laughs at herself for looking a bit silly [/My guess]

Answer that and I will mail you some cookies
Rather bring them with you to Corsica! (and tell her I sent you )
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