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Old 11-26-2008, 11:04 PM
num2son num2son is offline
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She just has that look we like.
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Old 11-27-2008, 01:34 AM
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Originally Posted by lefty12357 View Post
I can’t disagree with your assessment of Alizée’s outer appearance, but the sound of her voice is also very important to me. And I’m not going to knock you for focusing in on her looks because the same DNA that shaped her on the outside also gave shape to the parts of her that form the sound of her voice.

If she was a nasty person I might still listen to her music, but I would not be the fan that I am. I would not invest the time, energy and money on her that I currently do. And looks alone would not be enough for me to support her to that extent.

Her personality and character, or at least my perception of what her personality and character are, plays an important role in my continuing level of support for her. If someday I find that I was completely wrong about her, well then I will cross that bridge if or when I come to it.

I can’t say she is the best singer, the nicest person, the most beautiful, the sexiest, or the cutest. I know it sounds cliché, but it’s the total package. As an artist, she is hard to resist. I just know that somehow, someone very much like her lived in my imagination, long before I saw Alizée for the first time.
well said lefty...But in my own mind i never did like the French till of course Alizee and when i found out about her it was to the song moi lolita four years after it came out and i heard the song befor i saw her on the video and i fell in love with her voice and actually thought she was italian cuz i couldnt figure out the language at first... she came to me like as if i was a moth to the "FLAME"...

Last edited by vercingetorix; 11-27-2008 at 01:37 AM..
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Old 11-27-2008, 12:49 PM
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Besides being magical and of godly descent, she have this nice mixture of everything. cute/sexy, shy/innocent / confident (like when she dance and look away/down in a shy way and when the audiance whistle and scream she give that *i-know-iam-hot-as-hell*smile). childish/mature - she at least had that childish/playful lolita image, yet she gave a pretty mature impression in interviews.

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Old 11-27-2008, 05:19 PM
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I want to reiterate my point once more: I'm not saying she isn't a nice person. From what I have seen she is, I have a good gut feeling about her. But her personality is not half as important as her looks. Put another way: If she was really ugly her personality wouldn't be enough (not even close) to compensate whereas I would still feel attracted to her if she was a total bitch but her appearance remained unchanged (although that attraction would then be very much sexual in nature, not much room for something else). Put yet another way: Her personality is a bonus, her looks trump everything else when it comes to answering the question why she is so attractive. It's the single most important factor. I feel almost sorry to say it but I know it's the truth. The image we have of her could not exist if she looked different.
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Old 11-27-2008, 11:27 PM
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Originally Posted by dreamer View Post
I want to reiterate my point once more: I'm not saying she isn't a nice person. From what I have seen she is, I have a good gut feeling about her. But her personality is not half as important as her looks.
I would contend her personality <i>is</i> her looks. You said in your first post, "there are very few women who are beautiful, sexy and cute all at the same time." Those are all a state of mind, and of being, as much as looks. I've met so many women over the years who looked great--until they opened their mouths. And visa-versa.

I could be completely deluded, of course, when it comes to Alizée, as I don't know her. But what attracted me was so much more than her looks; it was something really magical that seems to sparkle in her eyes. I don't believe that can be manufactured. What I've learned about her since confirms a strength of character rare for an entertainer: an emphasis on family, discretion, stability, and decorum; without being juvenile, shallow, and puerile.
Originally Posted by dreamer View Post
Put another way: If she was really ugly her personality wouldn't be enough (not even close) to compensate whereas I would still feel attracted to her if she was a total bitch but her appearance remained unchanged
I think if she was a "total bitch" she wouldn't look as she does; she'd just be another plasticine face in a sea of fungible pop commodities, and few of us would be here.

I think another poster said it best: it's her self-contained contradictions that fascinate. I've always loved things in life that balance dichotomies well; I've especially been intoxicated by women who embody such, and they are so very, very rare.
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Old 11-27-2008, 11:35 PM
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Originally Posted by dreamer View Post
Ok, I think I have figured out the secret of Alizée's supreme attractiveness (at least to men): She is the perfect melange, she has everything we want or desire in a girl/woman but rarely see combined in a single person. She is cute. She is sexy. She is beautiful. She has a tender/romantic side and a fun side.

To be honest I'm convinced by now that her looks are far more important than her personality when it comes to answering the question why she attracts like no other. She seems to be a nice enough person, but her character is also not that special (or maybe it is but it is certainly not apparent from the interviews she has given over the years). And she would have to be really mean, a nasty character all around to throw me off, but it's completely sufficient to act nice to draw me in.
It's her looks, really. Like I said, there are very few women who are beautiful, sexy and cute all at the same time. And she is at the very top in all of these categories. Think about it.
I think you hit the nail on the head.
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Old 11-28-2008, 01:42 AM
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I know why we love her.
We just do.
Sometimes, its just an unexplainable field of estrangeness.
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Old 11-28-2008, 08:56 PM
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Deja vu...
Well mr Dreamer, I agree with you on many points, Alizée is the perfect mix. She's not perfect in any area alone thou(even thou this seems to be the case at times), it's the multitude of the great qualities that assembles into this great whole. There are those who are cuter (ok mybe not ), there are those who are sexier, there are those who sing better, dance better, have better songs etc etc etc... None have all these qualities at the same time in the same way Alizée does.

I like to analyze stuff (duh ), and I have put some thought in the process to pin point the exact reasons for why I love/like/adore/whatever Alizée.

But how fun is it to listen to me trying explain and constanlty repeating myself over and over again stumbling over my own words, let's see some evidence instead...
... Yepp, it's picture time!

*Everybody gathers around the family album*

The Qualities of Alizée


Oh yes, this must be her strongest quality. I don't think anyone is even close the the cuteness Alizée possess. Not just the appearence, the cute face and her small body... She got it all over her and you can see it in her every move and action. There are many girls that are cute but Alizée has this genuine touch to it, it feels so real and natural... It never feel fake even thou she push it to the very limit (if there is such a limit).


Yes she got the moves and the curves and she knows how to use this deadly weapon. The J'en ai Marre dance is the best example of this, I'm sure there are a couple of million guys who can back me up on this one. And again, it's not just the suit, body and the cute face, the dance and her act plays a big role here.

The dance itself is great but she put this little extra touch on top of it all. All her moves are highlighted with this extatic energy, and combined with this mix between cute and flirty face expressions the dance reaches perfection status.


Alizée is always happy, and if she isn't it doesn't take much to cheer her up and bring a smile on her face again. She is completly capable of delivering joy through humour on her own aswell. In the interviews when speaking to someone, no matter who this someone might be, she is always positive and kind. It's not hard to get the girl to laugh and it's not hard for her to get you to laugh, she just got this happiness aura that let's no one escape.

Oh, and most importantly, the face expressions. Who doesn't love those goofy faces she pulls on when you least expect it?


She's not all that innocent all of the time, she knows how to curl you around her finger with those exotic eyes of hers. However, the important thing is how she does it. Here some rivaling artists have the tendency of exaggerating, they take the step too far. This step brings them from just flirty to simply vulgar or even grotesque.


Here we see Alizée's ability to mix diffrent styles again. Even thou this is not a 'skill' she attend very often, and maybe doesn't fit her image very good, she still possess it. A good example on this is the cat walk in her 50/60 video.

There is another thing that is closely related to this that she have great help from in everything she does. To advance a situation with self confidence and self awareness, to not flip out or lose grip when something drastically or unsuspected occurs, to simply be cool.

Alizée is the coolest chick ever


Closely related to sexiness, althou in a slightly more sophisticated manner, comes her elegance. You can discuss her fashion back and forth all you like, but the girl got style. She can turn the wierdest looking piece of cloth into this epic masterpiece fit only for a queen. And of course she got the matching poses for the camera when she needs them aswell

Edit:(Someone somewhere said something like "feet can't look sexy". After seeing this picture... Case closed I guess )

We all know about her will to help others. But she doesn't satisfy with a little hand to her nearest and dearest, she go full out attending support events, giving away her dearest belongings to complete strangers and simply treating everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) around her with the deepest of respect. There simply doesn't seem to be the slightest bit of evil intent in her. This is one of the things that makes me a fan of her, this is what I so strongly support and want other artists (and people in general) to pick up on.


It's not really a quality, just a thing/skill I adore when she does. It's kind of like flirting you could say, when she does those little cheeky acts. When she all of sudden turn a bit blazé (ignorant or dominant), looking down on everyone with her little nose up in the air. But only for a short while, it's soon to be replaced by a smile and a 'I'm just joking' kind of charade. Nothing important like I said, just a thing I love


Cuteness is one thing, it's something you can play and fake pretty easily(even thou I don't think this is the case with Alizée). But complete innocence is something else. Much like the innocence you find in a child she see everything with blue eyes, thinking everything and everyone to be with good intent and that there is only good in the world around her.

This 'attribute' can prove dangerous however. I think she learned alot from the MF/LB 'thing' and is much more independent and critical today, but she still got a bit of the innocence treat in her. She is still as open and loving towards everyone as she were then.


Her 2nd dream was to be a dancer right? And without doubt, because dancing is something she masters with exellence. I think it have proved most important for her career aswell, imagine the JEAM dance with her standing completly stale doing nothing with those two, good for nothing, guitarists in the background doing thier 'thing'. Not very exciting if you ask me.

Today she doesn't do as much dancing as I would like to, this is one of the most important parts of her overall charm and I really hope she picks it up soon. Althou, I completly understand she might be a little out of shape after all the ice cream she must have eaten during her 'baby producing'.

That's all they do right? Shouting and eating ice cream


Not much to say here, it's pretty simple. She got a great voice, it's small and it's cute. An angles voice isn't that much of an exaggeration after all, it's not powerful, it's not spectacular, it's just fair, sweet and soft. The perfect voice for her personality


She wouldn't be where she is today if it weren't for her continued dedication for everything she does. This is something I admire because this is something I simply don't possess. I can have hundreds of projects running but never finish a single one of them. Alizée really puts efforts into what she does, may it be her dancing lessons, painting pictures, attending competitions...
Singing whole songs in a language she doesn't even understand!

You gotta admire her will power to complete things.


She is not completly dependent on her managers, she actually got ideas on how she want everything done. She's not afraid of trying on new things and styles and is therefore very open towards alot that might inspire. Just look at the diversity of music styles in her most recent album. No big suprise it didn't appeal to everyone with that kind of mix, not everyones taste reaches over such a diversity of flavours (I'm not saying you got bad taste if you don't like it ).

I do wish her to pick one style however, it's not wise for the publicity's sake to be 'testing around' too much, but I do admire her boldness and will to try on new things. It adds a level of realness to her, it's not a fabricated product we are loving, she's an actual artist with a will of her own.

That's all I can think of for now. If you got any injections or something you want to add... Safety off, fire at will...

Originally Posted by TheBarrett View Post
I know why we love her.
We just do.
Sometimes, its just an unexplainable field of estrangeness.
You can do better than that

... I see avatar people...

L´Ordre D'Alizée!

Last edited by Tomtentp; 11-28-2008 at 09:07 PM..
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Old 11-28-2008, 09:10 PM
edgar93 edgar93 is offline
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^Really, we should add that to the wikipedia article or to this website! Great analysis Tomtentp !
Originally Posted by Tomtentp View Post
Her 2nd dream was to be a dancer right?
what was her 1st one? Wasn´t it to become a dance teacher?
Originally Posted by Tomtentp View Post

cutest pic ever!

Last edited by edgar93; 11-28-2008 at 10:03 PM..
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Old 11-29-2008, 01:36 AM
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Not only is that flurry of pictures helpful to the analyses, but it totally skewered my heart. Thanks TP, for once I felt like I couldn't be hurt, and there you go, overloading my resistance capacity.
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