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Old 06-16-2010, 09:42 AM
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Originally Posted by robertrhein View Post
And since Alizée I have investigated Mylene Farmer, France Gall, Kate Ryan, Simone Simons, Elle, and several others as well. And my news is this, the US is not producing the top in music today. The Europeans are. I also looked at Epica, Kamelot, Delerium, Sarah Brightman, etc and so on. And who would have ever come up with mixing classical music and rock anyway?? Symphonic Gothic Rock Opera has been invented in Europe. Who would have thunk it? Rock, called rock FIRST, in my hometown Cleveland OH, has gone through a new evolution in Europe, and its all rocknroll to this son of Cleveland. There has been a time when new artists would enter thru the Cleveland mkt, and mainly due to the fact that Clevelanders as a whole are more open minded than the US standard. And FM radio in Orlando, corporate, thank a loving God in heaven for this internet. Because without it many of us may have not discovered some of this amazing new talent out there today.
I know, there's a load of amazing European music out here... it's just that most of it has been drowned amongst modern pop trash. Haha speaking of, I can't believe you know Kate Ryan, she's hilarious! I sorta use her as a way of finding new artists since she's covered pretty much everybody in the business, and in my experience the originals always beat the shit out of her versions! Like you I imagine, I discovered Mylène through Alizée and she's now one of my favourite artists in the world. Thanks to my chance discovery of the JPVA music video 2 years ago, I'm now not only a massive Alizée fan but also it's opened the doors to a whole world of wonderful European music I had no idea existed! Without Alizée I would never have even heard of people like Mylène, France Gall, Nolwenn Leroy or Jeanne Mas. I will be forever grateful.
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Old 06-16-2010, 10:23 AM
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True true so very true. US producers have tried to shove garbage down our throats for approx 10 years now. They dont have a clue. And Madonna MADE MTV and video did kill the radio star. US rock bands at this time I call cookie cutter bands. They all seem to have been squeezed thru the same cookie cutter press. New bands will never duplicate the glory days of rock, the British Invasion, acid rock,classic metal etc and so on and so forth. But this new European movement has given rock a fresh new sound, and it is really, really good. I am starting a ner genre in my music collection now { which does at this time contain approx 700 cd's classic rock, modern rock, progressive movement, dance rb} That new and awesome genre is going to be titled New Age World Rock and Pop. If I have to listen to another so called pop star from America that has no raw talent I think I will throw up all over myself. I was fairly FED UP with the direction corporate America has taken music for quite sometime. Greed has ruined the American music industry, but wait, there still may be hope. ROCK AND ROLL NEVER FORGETS. And ROCK AND ROLL WILL NEVER DIE. But left in the devices of American greed surely ROCK AND ROLL has no chance to survive another generation!!!!
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Old 09-03-2010, 10:09 PM
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I don't know if this should even go here, but I serendipitously came across another Alizée fan today. I got a ride to pick up my car from some guy at work who happens to live near the dealer where my car was being serviced. I had met the guy like once before and only hooked up with him through someone else mentioning that I needed a ride.
So, we're driving the car and talking about whatever as people new to each other do. I happened to slip in that I was trying to learn French at one point and the guy ended up saying he only got interested in French or France because of a singer he liked. Well, you know how that ended up. "Who?" I of course asked thinking, what the heck, maybe. Alizée of course. So we talked about her a little bit and I put a sample CD that I had with me in the CD player. (I always have a couple copies of that because I made a bunch a long time ago.) Well, the CD got stuck in his drive (a very high quality player with good taste obviously) and so much the better.
He knows about the forum, but I guess he doesn't hang out here much.

Merci Fanny
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Old 09-04-2010, 12:09 AM
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Very nice Roman!!! Yah CD players always eat up the good music

And man...I got my friend so PSYCHED about Zee that he is going to buy her CDs on iTunes and start from there he is a big music junkie, and he really likes her remixes since he is going through the usual "eurodance" stage. But yah he has seen a billion of her videos including most of En Concert... I will fully convert him!!!
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Old 09-04-2010, 12:45 AM
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Man Ive told at least 25-30 people about Alizee and Ive known of her for about a month and a week now. Like 3-4 of them think the music is pretty good but don't place it on their favs. 25 of them think she is completely beautiful though!
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Old 09-04-2010, 09:00 AM
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Ahhh it must be hard looking the way Lili does.

"In any case, being sexy includes being natural. Anything can be sexy, except vulgarity." - Alizée
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Old 09-04-2010, 09:42 AM
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Old 09-05-2010, 12:36 AM
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Not going to lie, I've basically halted my spreading new about her activities. I mean, most of the people I currently interact with already know about her, so I guess to them, it's old news.

And quite frankly, I've gotten sick and tired of defending against the "You only like her because she's hot" and the usual "French? Fuck the French man, they're pussies!" shenanigans.

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Old 09-05-2010, 01:52 AM
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most response: perfect nose! she's very beautiful! she's cute! who's this?

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Old 09-05-2010, 06:28 AM
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I've told a few people about her, all of them think she's absolutely beautiful, and most of them like her music, but not enough to become a fan.
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